Don’t worry! You may be able to learn how to jump start your own car, and it’s not as difficult as it sounds. You may be a little panicky if your car battery dies and you do not know what to do. But if you stay calm follow these steps, with a little help from a friend, you'll be able to jump your car and return to the road in no time. Here’s a complete guide on how to do it safely and easily.
Find the Right Tools: You need some things before you get started. Before you get started with jumping a car, you will need to have jump leads. These are specific cables, which help transferring from one battery to another. You also need an actual working car. Ensure the cables are long enough for you to run between the two vehicles and make a connection without too much hassle.
Park the Cars: At this point, it’s parked cars time. You want to park the working car next to the car with a dead battery. Crucially, make sure both vehicles are turned off and put in park. That means they won’t plow while you are working. After both cars are parked, pop the hoods of both vehicles to expose the batteries inside.
Start the Working Car: You are killing it! Now let’s get the functional automobile started. Start the engine of the working car and keep it running for several minutes. This will assist in charging the dead battery and provide some power.
Start the Dead Car: After a few minutes, it is time to try to start the dead battery car. Insert the key into the ignition and try to start the car. If it does not instantly play, don’t fret! Just wait a few minutes and attempt to start it again. If it won’t start, you may need to repeat the process or enlist another person’ help to get it going.
It’s a good idea to turn off all electronics, such as the radio and air conditioning, before attempting to jump start the car. Doing so allows more power to go straight to the battery, which makes it easier for the jump to take.
However, if you are not sure or feel nervous to jump start a car, then be sure that you can also call a Professional Mechanic to help you. They know what to do and they can help you safely. Better to be safe than risk anything.
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