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Tornavís de raspall DW 21V Bateria sense fil Clau de trepant elèctric Destornilladors

DW 21V Brush Screwdriver Battery Cordless Wireless Power Drill Wrench Screw Drivers manufacture
Descripció del producte
DW 21V Brush Screwdriver Battery Cordless Wireless Power Drill Wrench Screw Drivers manufacture
Taula de paràmetres
nom del producte
Trepant d'impacte elèctric
Font d'energia
Voltatge de la bateria
Pes de la màquina
1 anys
Suport personalitzat
Lloc d'origen
Nombre de model
* 145 130 mm
Visualització de múltiples imatges del producte
DW 21V Brush Screwdriver Battery Cordless Wireless Power Drill Wrench Screw Drivers details
DW 21V Brush Screwdriver Battery Cordless Wireless Power Drill Wrench Screw Drivers manufacture

DW 21V Brush Screwdriver Battery Cordless Wireless Power Drill Wrench Screw Drivers factory
DW 21V Brush Screwdriver Battery Cordless Wireless Power Drill Wrench Screw Drivers factory
Secció de màrqueting
DW 21V Brush Screwdriver Battery Cordless Wireless Power Drill Wrench Screw Drivers supplier
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DW 21V Brush Screwdriver Battery Cordless Wireless Power Drill Wrench Screw Drivers details

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The DW 21V Brush Screwdriver is an effective power cordless that provides exceptional performance for all your DIY projects. This wireless screwdriver wrench is ideal for many applications, in the home repairs to automotive maintenance and construction jobs.

The brush is top-quality renyuan and delivers maximum power and  durability, although the 21V high-capacity lithium-ion battery provides durable energy with fast charging time. You are likely to love the versatility with this specific screwdriver as you possibly can useful for driving screws, drilling holes, and  tightening peanuts and bolts.

The Renyuan DW 21V Brush Screwdriver is comfortable to make use of for longer periods of the time using its ergonomic design. The handle is non-slip for a secure grip, once the compact size allows you to maneuver in tight areas. The look decreases as it is lightweight, making this suitable for both novice and experienced users.

This wireless screwdriver has a quick-release chuck which allows someone to switch between bits efficiently. You could expect precise control and accurate because of the adable clutch that lets you ad the torque to suit the duty at hand. The LED light exposure, to help you to focus even in dimly lit areas.

The Renyuan DW 21V Brush Screwdriver is  a versatile tool and features an assortment of accessories, including a charger, extra battery power, and several different drill bits and screwdriver minds. You should have all you need to tackle any working task that comes your path.