DW 21V 4/6/8 Pulzier Magni tal-Qtugħ tal-Injam Ġnien Żbir Cutter Għodod tal-batterija tal-Enerġija Pruner mingħajr Fili Mini Chain Saws Chainsaw
Isem tal-prodott |
Lutina elettrika |
Sors ta 'enerġija |
Battery,Antislip |
bl-eletriku |
600W |
Grad |
DIY, Industrijali |
Garanzija |
Sena 1 |
Appoġġ personalizzat |
Post ta 'Oriġini |
Ċina,Jiangsu |
L-isem tad-ditta |
Numru Mudell |
RY-CS-2000-DW |
dimensjonijiet |
53X23X23CM |
Guide plate size |
4IN 6IN 8IN |
Q1: Int fabbrika jew kumpanija kummerċjali?
A: Aħna integrazzjoni tal-industrija u l-kummerċ. Għandna l-fabbrika tagħna stess u nilqgħu lilek u lill-aġent tiegħek biex iżuru.
Q2: Nista 'nieħu kampjun wieħed biss?
A: Naturalment, nistgħu nipprovdu sett 1 ta 'kampjun.
Jekk qed nikkooperaw għall-ewwel darba, allura aħna niċċarġjawk parti mill-miżata tal-kampjun u t-tariffa tat-tbaħħir tal-kampjun nominalment.
Dawn il-miżati jerġgħu lura lilek meta titqiegħed l-ordni formali.
Q3: X'inhi l-ispiża tat-tbaħħir?
A: Jekk għandek bżonn stima tat-tbaħħir,
għandna bżonn inkunu nafu l-indirizz tal-kunsinna oskura.
Q4: Għandi aġenti li jikkoperaw fiċ-Ċina, tista 'tgħinni nwassal l-oġġetti lilhom?
A: naturalment
Q5: Kif inħallas għaliha?
A: Bħalissa alibaba hija kompatibbli mal-biċċa l-kbira tal-metodi ta 'ħlas fis-suq.
Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja jekk il-metodu ta 'ħlas hawn taħt jissodisfa l-bżonnijiet tiegħek
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The DW 21V 4/6/8 Inch Wood Cutting Machine Garden Pruning Cutter Power Battery Tools Cordless Pruner Mini Chain Saws Chainsaw could be these right devices to your garden pruning needs. With three significantly different blade of 4, 6, and 8 ins, it is an easy task to tackle any cutting job with accuracy and accuracy.
As a result of its power battery pack, this DW 21V 4/6/8 Inch Wood Cutting Machine Garden Pruning Cutter Power Battery Tools Cordless Pruner Mini Chain Saws Chainsaw is simple maneuvering and has freedom as it pertains to pruning and trimming in your yard or property. The mini chainsaw design is great for delicate cuts in tight areas, as well as the top-quality chainsaw ensures a clean cut every time.
This DW 21V 4/6/8 Inch Wood Cutting Machine Garden Pruning Cutter Power Battery Tools Cordless Pruner Mini Chain Saws Chainsaw is straightforward to utilize, having an handle ergonomic offers a comfortable grip reducing weakness during extended use. The cutting ability of this device is impressive, it a good choice in tiny to moderate bushes, including ornamental flowers, fruit woods, and bushes as it could easily cut through a maximum 100mm diameter, making.
The DW 21V 4/6/8 Inch Wood Cutting Machine Garden Pruning Cutter Power Battery Tools Cordless Pruner Mini Chain Saws Chainsaw is the perfect choice regardless if you are trying to find precision trimming or effortless pruning. It really is a versatile instrument that can be utilized for the array of applications into the garden, including trimming and pruning. The cordless design added convenience, as there is no need to bother about an electric source or messy cords, although the battery-powered engine guarantees a frequent and efficient performance.
The Renyuan DW 21V 4/6/8 Inch Wood Cutting Machine Garden Pruning Cutter Power Battery Tools Cordless Pruner Mini Chain Saws Chainsaw is made with a number of advanced features, including a security lock switch to avoid accidental start-ups, an oil tank for proper lubrication, and a tool-free string tension adjustment system for simple and fast changes.
You are going to depend on Renyuan's DW 21V 4/6/8 Inch Wood Cutting Machine Garden Pruning Cutter Power Battery Tools Cordless Pruner Mini Chain Saws Chainsaw in terms of quality, durability and excellent performance . It is a designed item in having a focus on individual convenience, cutting accuracy, and effortless operation.