DW 21V Iċċarġjar bla fili Lithium-ion Portable Handheld Household Strong Suction High-power Vacuum Cleaner
Presenting the latest addition to the Renyuan brand, the DW 21V Wireless Charging Lithium-ion Portable Handheld Household Strong Suction High-power Vacuum Cleaner. This innovative and convenient cleaner is made to quickly clean all types of surfaces, including carpets, hardwood floors, and upholstery.
Having a robust 21V lithium-ion battery, this DW 21V Wireless Charging Lithium-ion Portable Handheld Household Strong Suction High-power Vacuum Cleaner offers cord-free convenience enabling you to go freely from space to space and never having to stress about finding an socket electrical. The battery pack normally rechargeable, which means you can invariably own it ready to make use of whenever it truly is needed by you.
But simply what sets the DW 21V Wireless Charging Lithium-ion Portable Handheld Household Strong Suction High-power Vacuum Cleaner apart from other floor cleaners is its strong energy suction . Packed with a high-power motor, its effective at picking right on up perhaps the littlest dust and dust particles, making your property cleaner and healthiest. Also, the vacuum cleaner is sold with a washable filter this means in top condition that it is simple to keep it and keep it.
The DW 21V Wireless Charging Lithium-ion Portable Handheld Household Strong Suction High-power Vacuum Cleaner may be made for simplicity. It really is lightweight and compact, which makes it super easy to go and store. The hoover also contains a crevice tool, which allows one to clean hard-to-reach areas like corners and areas that are tight. Whenever you are done deploying it, simply empty the store and dustbin it away.
Exactly what is probably the most innovative feature associated with DW 21V Wireless Charging Lithium-ion Portable Handheld Household Strong Suction High-power Vacuum Cleaner is its wireless charging technology . With no cords to get in touch in, you ought to make use of your hoover anywhere you want it and once more charge it up if you are done. The charging you base can be made to also be space-saving, it effortlessly in a wardrobe or even for a shelf in order to keep.
Isem tal-prodott |
Battery vacuum |
Sors ta 'enerġija |
Battery |
bl-eletriku |
60W |
Battery Vultaġġ |
21V |
Piż tal-Magni |
2.5KG |
Grad |
Garanzija |
Sena 1 |
Appoġġ personalizzat |
Post ta 'Oriġini |
Iċ-Ċina,Jiangsu |
L-isem tad-ditta |
Numru Mudell |
RY-VC-3000-DW |
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A: naturalment
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