MKT Xkupilja Drill Wrench Angolu Grinder 21V Għodod Ħardwer Fili Batteriji Għodod tal-Enerġija Set Combo Kit
The Renyuan MKT Brush Drill Wrench Angle Grinder 21V Tools Hardware Cordless Battery Power Tools Set Combo Kit is an amazing product that is designed to offer you a complete set of power tools to help you handle all your DIY tasks with ease. The combo kit comes with a brush drill, wrench, angle grinder, and other amazing tools that are designed to handle a variety of tasks with ease.
All you need is a single purchase you are all set with the necessary tools to tackle any DIY task with your power tools. This energy that is renyuan combination kit is likely to be handy whether you are looking to fix your vehicle, fix your furniture, or perform various other DIY task.
The battery power that is design that is cordless of combination kit helps to ensure that you no longer suffer from the limitations of cords. Its easy to move your workplace without worrying about energy cords tangling, unplugging, or getting in the path that is correct.
The battery pack that is 21V in this combination kit provides a great amount of ability to handle all tasks that are heavy-duty. It's not necessary to manage the frustration of slow and tools and this can be ineffective are neither effective nor efficient. These energy tools are created to make certain that all tasks are finished within the amount that is shortest of time feasible, without compromising on quality.
This combo kit is very user-friendly, rendering it a range that is great both professionals which are seasoned novices alike. Its design and lightweight that is lightweight that one could work with long hours without getting tired or straining. It is possible to handle most of the tools with one hand, making your other part absolve to hold other items or help with assembling your shed.
The Renyuan MKT Brush Drill Wrench Angle Grinder 21V Tools Hardware Cordless Battery Power Tools Set Combo Kit is an outstanding investment for anyone looking to handle their DIY tasks with ease. Trust us, this investment will be worth it, and you will not regret it.
Isem tal-prodott |
Battery Tools Set |
Sors ta 'enerġija |
Battery |
bl-eletriku |
300W |
Battery Vultaġġ |
21V |
Piż tal-Magni |
5.5KG |
Garanzija |
Sena 1 |
Appoġġ personalizzat |
Post ta 'Oriġini |
L-isem tad-ditta |
Numru Mudell |
RY-COMBO-2000 |
Profil tal-Kumpanija
A: Aħna integrazzjoni tal-industrija u l-kummerċ. Għandna l-fabbrika tagħna stess u nilqgħu lilek u lill-aġent tiegħek biex iżuru.
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A: Naturalment, nistgħu nipprovdu sett 1 ta 'kampjun.
Jekk qed nikkooperaw għall-ewwel darba, allura aħna niċċarġjawk parti mill-miżata tal-kampjun u t-tariffa tat-tbaħħir tal-kampjun nominalment.
Dawn il-miżati jerġgħu lura lilek meta titqiegħed l-ordni formali.
Q3: X'inhi l-ispiża tat-tbaħħir?
A: Jekk għandek bżonn stima tat-tbaħħir,
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Q4: Għandi aġenti li jikkoperaw fiċ-Ċina, tista 'tgħinni nwassal l-oġġetti lilhom?
A: naturalment
Q5: Kif inħallas għaliha?
A: Bħalissa alibaba hija kompatibbli mal-biċċa l-kbira tal-metodi ta 'ħlas fis-suq.
Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja jekk il-metodu ta 'ħlas hawn taħt jissodisfa l-bżonnijiet tiegħek
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