MTK 21V 6 Pulzier Għodda Pinzell Magni tal-Qtugħ tal-Injam Ġnien Żbir Cutter Enerġija Elettrika Batterija Mingħajr Fili Mini Chain Saws ChainSaw
Isem tal-prodott |
Brush Electric chain saw |
Sors ta 'enerġija |
Battery |
bl-eletriku |
600W |
Garanzija |
Sena 1 |
Appoġġ personalizzat |
Post ta 'Oriġini |
Ċina,Jiangsu |
L-isem tad-ditta |
Numru Mudell |
RY-CS-2000 |
Q1: Int fabbrika jew kumpanija kummerċjali?
A: Aħna integrazzjoni tal-industrija u l-kummerċ. Għandna l-fabbrika tagħna stess u nilqgħu lilek u lill-aġent tiegħek biex iżuru.
Q2: Nista 'nieħu kampjun wieħed biss?
A: Naturalment, nistgħu nipprovdu sett 1 ta 'kampjun.
Jekk qed nikkooperaw għall-ewwel darba, allura aħna niċċarġjawk parti mill-miżata tal-kampjun u t-tariffa tat-tbaħħir tal-kampjun nominalment.
Dawn il-miżati jerġgħu lura lilek meta titqiegħed l-ordni formali.
Q3: X'inhi l-ispiża tat-tbaħħir?
A: Jekk għandek bżonn stima tat-tbaħħir,
għandna bżonn inkunu nafu l-indirizz tal-kunsinna oskura.
Q4: Għandi aġenti li jikkoperaw fiċ-Ċina, tista 'tgħinni nwassal l-oġġetti lilhom?
A: naturalment
Q5: Kif inħallas għaliha?
A: Bħalissa alibaba hija kompatibbli mal-biċċa l-kbira tal-metodi ta 'ħlas fis-suq.
Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja jekk il-metodu ta 'ħlas hawn taħt jissodisfa l-bżonnijiet tiegħek
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It has simply introduced their latest tool for woodcutting and gardening. The MTK 21V 6 Inch Tool Brush Wood Cutting Machine Garden Pruning Cutter Electric Power Battery Cordless Mini Chain Saws Chainsaw is certainly an amazing machine which is built to make gardening and woodcutting tasks easier than previously.
This MTK 21V 6 Inch Tool Brush Wood Cutting Machine Garden Pruning Cutter Electric Power Battery Cordless Mini Chain Saws Chainsaw is operating on an electric battery making it cordless and extremely user friendly. Insurance firms a 21V energy , users can get some cutting severe power . The battery can be rechargeable; therefore, users have the ability to keep the equipment operating for longer amounts of time.
The MTK 21V 6 Inch Tool Brush Wood Cutting Machine Garden Pruning Cutter Electric Power Battery Cordless Mini Chain Saws Chainsaw is compact and lightweight, making it perfect for used in any form or type of yard or garden. It steps only 6 inches in length, making it an easy task to maneuver spots which could be around tight.
Among the best options that come with this MTK 21V 6 Inch Tool Brush Wood Cutting Machine Garden Pruning Cutter Electric Power Battery Cordless Mini Chain Saws Chainsaw may be the mini chainsaw which is connected. It really is created specifically so as to make pruning trees and shrubs an item of cake. The string is sharp and durable, making sure it can cut through even branches that are thick ease.
Renyuan has included a safety function in to the MTK 21V 6 Inch Tool Brush Wood Cutting Machine Garden Pruning Cutter Electric Power Battery Cordless Mini Chain Saws Chainsaw as well. There was a security switch that prevents begins being accidental making certain users remain secure and safe with all the device.
This MTK 21V 6 Inch Tool Brush Wood Cutting Machine Garden Pruning Cutter Electric Power Battery Cordless Mini Chain Saws Chainsaw is not just well suited for gardening and tree pruning, it is also helpful for cutting timber logs. The MTK 21V 6 Inch Tool Brush Wood Cutting Machine Garden Pruning Cutter Electric Power Battery Cordless Mini Chain Saws Chainsaw make light work of even the lumber logs that are toughest, thanks to its effective engine and razor-sharp chainsaw.