MTK 21V Sierra Għodda mingħajr Fili Mini Ħiliet Ċirkolari Injam Saw Lithium Battery Powered Circular Saw
Isem tal-prodott |
Circle saw |
Sors ta 'enerġija |
Batterija, Antislip |
bl-eletriku |
600W |
Grad |
DIY, Industrijali |
Garanzija |
Sena 1 |
Appoġġ personalizzat |
Post ta 'Oriġini |
Ċina,Jiangsu |
L-isem tad-ditta |
Numru Mudell |
RY-OS-1000 |
Q1: Int fabbrika jew kumpanija kummerċjali?
A: Aħna integrazzjoni tal-industrija u l-kummerċ. Għandna l-fabbrika tagħna stess, u nilqgħu lilek u lill-aġent tiegħek biex iżuru.
Q2: Nista 'nieħu kampjun wieħed biss?
A: Naturalment, nistgħu nipprovdu sett 1 ta 'kampjun. Jekk qed nikkooperaw għall-ewwel darba, allura aħna niċċarġjawk parti mill-miżata tal-kampjun u l-miżata tat-tbaħħir tal-kampjun nominalment. Dawn il-miżati jintbagħtu lura lilek meta titqiegħed l-ordni formali.
Q3: X'inhi l-ispiża tat-tbaħħir?
A: Jekk għandek bżonn stima tat-tbaħħir, irridu nkunu nafu l-indirizz tal-kunsinna mgħotti.
Q4: Għandi aġenti li jikkoperaw fiċ-Ċina, tista 'tgħinni nwassal l-oġġetti lilhom?
A: Naturalment.
Q5: Kif inħallas għaliha?
A: Bħalissa, Alibaba hija kompatibbli mal-biċċa l-kbira tal-metodi ta 'ħlas fis-suq. Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja jekk il-metodu ta' ħlas t'hawn taħt jissodisfax il-bżonnijiet tiegħek:
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Launching the MTK 21V Sierra Cordless Tools Mini Skill Circular Wood Saw by Renyuan, the answer that is ultimate all of your woodworking and DIY requirements. This effective, lightweight device is the perfect addition to your arsenals, whether you're a professional carpenter or a DIY enthusiast.
The MTK 21V Sierra Cordless Tools Mini Ability Circular Wood Saw has a lithium battery is superior that delivers a power that is lasting for the cutting needs. The battery is simple to eradicate and certainly will be charged quickly, to have going back to almost no right time for you your works.
The saw that is circular produced by having a durable and sturdy construction, which means it'll withstand possibly the toughest conditions and present a performance is reliable. The saw is additionally ergonomically made to reduced strains and fatigues in your hands and hands, allowing you to work together with longer durations with no vexations.
The blade about the MTK 21V Sierra Cordless Tools Mini Experience Circular Wood Saw is manufactured out of top-quality materials, which helps you to be sure that it shall offer a smooth and cut is time that is precise. The blade can also be adjustable, allowing you to customize the angle and depth of this cuts to matches the wants you've got.
The MTK 21V Sierra Cordless Tools Mini Skill Circular Wood Saw is easy to maneuver and transport, which makes it the device that is perfect both indoor and outside usage which consist of compact and design that is lightweight. This saw that is circular be the device that is perfect your cutting needs whether you might be cutting timber, metals, or plastic materials.
Exactly what are you looking forward to? Get hold of the MTK 21V Sierra Cordless Tools Mini Skill Circular Wood Saw today.