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Jack tal-Karozza

 >  Jack tal-Karozza

Wrench tal-Enerġija Elettrika Portabbli Multifunzjonali Kit Vettura tal-Karozza Inflator tat-Tajers Pompa tat-Tajers Idrawliku Floor Car Jack


The Renyuan Multifunctional Portable Electric Power Wrench Car Vehicle Kit Tyre Inflator Tire Pump Hydraulic Floor Car Jack is the ultimate solution for car owners who are always on the go. This powerful and versatile kit combines multiple functions in one compact and easy-to-use device. The kit includes a Tyre Inflator Tire Pump, Hydraulic Floor Car Jack, and Electric Wrench, guaranteeing that you have everything you need to tackle any car-related problem.

The Tyre Inflator Tire Pump offers impressive power rate, effective at inflating an automobile tire in only a couple of minutes. By having a maximum stress of 150 PSI, this tire pump are designed for perhaps the vehicle tires that are largest. Plus, it comes down by having a stress that is integral that helps you monitor atmosphere stress to avoid over-pumping or under-pumping.

The Hydraulic Floor Car Jack is a lightweight and device is sturdy can lift your car or truck effortlessly. The jack features a hydraulic system which makes raising the vehicle very easy, eliminating the necessity for excessive work that is handbook. It may raise a motor car with a load capability all the way to 2 tons, which makes it ideal for most kinds of sedans, SUVs, and vehicles.

The Electrical Wrench is really a tool that is effective can eliminate and tighten peanuts and bolts with simplicity. This electric wrench is equipped to handle perhaps the toughest nuts and bolts having a maximum torque of 480 nm. And as a result of its design that is cordless can use it anywhere, without the need for a energy outlet.

All three devices feature a lithium-ion rechargeable providing you with up to 45 mins of continuous usage. The battery pack is simple to recharge and will be completely charged in only a hours being few.

The Renyuan Multifunctional Portable electrical power Wrench Car Vehicle Kit is designed with ease and capability of used in head. It includes a compact and design that is lightweight allows you to transport around, and it comes with a sturdy carrying case that protects the products during transport.

Overall, the Renyuan Multifunctional Portable Electric Power Wrench Car Vehicle Kit Tyre Inflator Tire Pump Hydraulic Floor Car Jack is an excellent investment for anyone who owns a car. With its multiple functions and ease of use, you can easily tackle any car-related problem, whether it's a flat tire, a stuck bolt, or the need to lift your car for maintenance or repair.

If you do not enquire with us, the sample price is 80 USD/setIf you inquire with us, the sample price is 75 USD /set
Deskrizzjoni tal-prodott
Multifunctional Portable Electric Power Wrench Car Vehicle Kit Tyre Inflator Tire Pump Hydraulic Floor Car Jack manufacture
Multifunctional Portable Electric Power Wrench Car Vehicle Kit Tyre Inflator Tire Pump Hydraulic Floor Car Jack factory
Multifunctional Portable Electric Power Wrench Car Vehicle Kit Tyre Inflator Tire Pump Hydraulic Floor Car Jack details
Multifunctional Portable Electric Power Wrench Car Vehicle Kit Tyre Inflator Tire Pump Hydraulic Floor Car Jack supplier

Jack parameters

Potenza nominali: 150W
Vultaġġ operattiv: DC12V
Kurrent: 13A
Load (vehicle weight): 5T
Lifting range: 155-450mm

Inflation function parameters

Inflation pressure: 150psi Air flow rate: 35L/min Current: 10A Inflation tube length: 0.65m Power cord length: 3.5m

Wrench function parameters

Rated power: 80W Operating voltage: DC12V Current: 13A Torque: 480N. M
Dettalji Stampi
Multifunctional Portable Electric Power Wrench Car Vehicle Kit Tyre Inflator Tire Pump Hydraulic Floor Car Jack factory
Multifunctional Portable Electric Power Wrench Car Vehicle Kit Tyre Inflator Tire Pump Hydraulic Floor Car Jack supplier
Multifunctional Portable Electric Power Wrench Car Vehicle Kit Tyre Inflator Tire Pump Hydraulic Floor Car Jack factory
Multifunctional Portable Electric Power Wrench Car Vehicle Kit Tyre Inflator Tire Pump Hydraulic Floor Car Jack factory
Multifunctional Portable Electric Power Wrench Car Vehicle Kit Tyre Inflator Tire Pump Hydraulic Floor Car Jack factory
Multifunctional Portable Electric Power Wrench Car Vehicle Kit Tyre Inflator Tire Pump Hydraulic Floor Car Jack factory
Multifunctional Portable Electric Power Wrench Car Vehicle Kit Tyre Inflator Tire Pump Hydraulic Floor Car Jack factory
Multifunctional Portable Electric Power Wrench Car Vehicle Kit Tyre Inflator Tire Pump Hydraulic Floor Car Jack factory
Multifunctional Portable Electric Power Wrench Car Vehicle Kit Tyre Inflator Tire Pump Hydraulic Floor Car Jack details
Multifunctional Portable Electric Power Wrench Car Vehicle Kit Tyre Inflator Tire Pump Hydraulic Floor Car Jack details
~Activate the Modalità Jack
~Click the button Buttuna 'l fuq~Raise the tire to the Għoli Xierat~Use Power Wrench to remove the Tire
~After installing the Spare Tire
~Click the Buttuna 'l isfel

Ippakkjar u Twassil
Multifunctional Portable Electric Power Wrench Car Vehicle Kit Tyre Inflator Tire Pump Hydraulic Floor Car Jack details

Teknika tal-Manifattura
Multifunctional Portable Electric Power Wrench Car Vehicle Kit Tyre Inflator Tire Pump Hydraulic Floor Car Jack manufacture

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Q2: Can I just take one sample?     

A:   Of course, we can provide 1 set of sample.

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