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Pumpa na pneumatiky auta

 >  Pumpa na pneumatiky auta

Nový mini prenosný 12 V jednosmerný prúd na hustenie pneumatík do auta, multifunkčný, s výkonom 120 W Slovensko


Miesto pôvodu
Číslo modelu
Monitor tlaku v pneumatikách
Názov výrobku
Prenosný hustič pneumatík
DC 12V
Auto Motocykel Skúter Pneumatika na bicykel
44 64 * * 158mm
Skrinka z nehrdzavejúcej ocele
Kapacita akumulátora
New Mini Portable 12V DC Car Tire Air Pump Wheel Inflator Multifunctional with 120W Power factory

North American

New Mini Portable 12V DC Car Tire Air Pump Wheel Inflator Multifunctional with 120W Power details
New Mini Portable 12V DC Car Tire Air Pump Wheel Inflator Multifunctional with 120W Power manufacture

Juhovýchodná Ázia

Južná Amerika
New Mini Portable 12V DC Car Tire Air Pump Wheel Inflator Multifunctional with 120W Power factory
New Mini Portable 12V DC Car Tire Air Pump Wheel Inflator Multifunctional with 120W Power supplier

Stredný východ

New Mini Portable 12V DC Car Tire Air Pump Wheel Inflator Multifunctional with 120W Power manufacture
New Mini Portable 12V DC Car Tire Air Pump Wheel Inflator Multifunctional with 120W Power supplier

New Mini Portable 12V DC Car Tire Air Pump Wheel Inflator Multifunctional with 120W Power factory
New Mini Portable 12V DC Car Tire Air Pump Wheel Inflator Multifunctional with 120W Power manufacture

Vyrábame 30,000 XNUMX za mesiac.

New Mini Portable 12V DC Car Tire Air Pump Wheel Inflator Multifunctional with 120W Power details
Popis produktu
New Mini Portable 12V DC Car Tire Air Pump Wheel Inflator Multifunctional with 120W Power factory
New Mini Portable 12V DC Car Tire Air Pump Wheel Inflator Multifunctional with 120W Power manufacture
New Mini Portable 12V DC Car Tire Air Pump Wheel Inflator Multifunctional with 120W Power details
firemný profil
New Mini Portable 12V DC Car Tire Air Pump Wheel Inflator Multifunctional with 120W Power factory
New Mini Portable 12V DC Car Tire Air Pump Wheel Inflator Multifunctional with 120W Power factory
New Mini Portable 12V DC Car Tire Air Pump Wheel Inflator Multifunctional with 120W Power details
Suzhou Renyuan Construction Engineering Co., is an international company focusing on R & D, production and sales. Originating in China, it is rushing to the world at high speed, and expects to be recognized and praised by customers worldwide. We adhere to the "four highs and one low" purpose of high starting point, high quality, high service, high efficiency and low price. Do everything in the work properly; earnestly complete each entrustment of the customer; use the action to make the customer aware, and create value for the customer diligently. Our strength and growth lie in our own hard work, teamwork, clear division of labor, and clear rewards and punishments. In the world, we have many cooperation and foundry factories. According to the current international situation, we have developed and produced a number of high-quality products, passed the tests of authoritative institutions, and received recognition in many countries around the world. Hope our efforts will bring you a good experience and sincerely look forward to your favor I am waiting for you to inspect the factory in China, and I hope we can inspect your project.
Továrenské informácie
New Mini Portable 12V DC Car Tire Air Pump Wheel Inflator Multifunctional with 120W Power factory
New Mini Portable 12V DC Car Tire Air Pump Wheel Inflator Multifunctional with 120W Power details
New Mini Portable 12V DC Car Tire Air Pump Wheel Inflator Multifunctional with 120W Power manufacture
New Mini Portable 12V DC Car Tire Air Pump Wheel Inflator Multifunctional with 120W Power supplier
New Mini Portable 12V DC Car Tire Air Pump Wheel Inflator Multifunctional with 120W Power supplier
New Mini Portable 12V DC Car Tire Air Pump Wheel Inflator Multifunctional with 120W Power details

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Introducing the incredible New Mini Portable 12V DC Car Tire Air Pump Wheel Inflator Multifunctional with 120W Power, delivered by the brand Renyuan. It's a well-designed item which is compact and makes you not have to worry about flat tires once again while on the move. This tire inflator would work with cars, bicycles, motorcycles, and vehicles, as it can easily and quickly inflate tires of various sizes.

This little air mattress pump packs a punch with a strong engine of 120W. It could inflate trucks and cars which are standard-sized in just a few moments, therefore you may not have to invest hours in the gasoline place waiting for air become moved to your tires. The 12V DC car power helps it is simple to use, into the vehicle's smoking lighter socket as you're able to plug it.

The multifunctional design with this tire inflator is another function that is great. Along side to be able to inflate tires, it boils down with 3 nozzles which are often additional. This implies you could utilize it to inflate pool toys, sports balls, and also other items that are inflatable. The dial is easy-to-use the leading concerning the inflator allows you to set the force to your desired degree. It also comes with an LED light making this easy to see and work out utilization of in low-light conditions.

Renyuan’s New Mini Portable 12V DC Car Tire Air Pump Wheel Inflator Multifunctional with 120W Power normally highly portable. It measures only 8.3 ins by 6.1 inches, and weighs just 2.2 pounds. This will make it super easy to keep in your car or truck trunk, under your seat, along with your glove compartment. The compact size additionally causes it to be well suited for those who want to travel, as it shall not take up space too much in your luggage.

The inflator can additionally be designed with security at heart. The system is sold with an shut-off which is automatic, it ensures it will probably stop inflating after the desired pressure is reached. This can help avoid over-inflating and damage to your tires.